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The words "a degree isn't the golden ticket that it used to be" rang a bell for me. This video is about what's going on in Taiwan and it really sounded similar to me to what's going on in the States. Although some of the wages sound even lower in Taiwan.

Now in the States minimum wage has risen quite a bit although so haven't other expenses I guess. Making under a $1000 a month for a fulltime job  and living in Taipei doesn't sound too comforting. I hope you find this video interesting. I think it gives a glimpse into the culture as well and the focus on wealth and money.

I lived in Taichung and Tainan, Taiwan from 2004 to 2006 teaching English. It's an interesting place with a crowded West coast and a beautiful east coast.

A degree isn't a golden ticket in my experience either. Depends what you want to do, but I think for maybe the majority of people out there you don't need it. Don't take on debt. Those loans that come easy for school will be there for you when you are done and if you don't pay them off quickly they will grow year by year.

A degree is a dime a dozen so to speak. Almost everyone has a degree nowadays and many that do are working jobs where you don't need a degree such as in Starbucks.

More info on Taiwan and degrees: