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These are articles from the blog related to teaching English and living in Japan.

If you are new then I recommend starting with this post about teaching English in Japan. There you will find the basics on teaching in Japan including salaries, requirements, schools, how to get a job, etc.

You will also find links to related articles below.

"Charisma Man" - Caucasian Men and Asian Women
Can Non-Native English Speakers Teach English Abroad?
Can you teach English in Asia now during COVID?
Can you teach English in Japan without knowing Japanese?
Have you ever moved to a new city with no job lined up?
Hip Hop in Japan, Taiwan, China, and Korea
How I am living cheaply in Fukuoka, Japan
How much money do I need to bring to China, Korea, Taiwan or Japan?
How to Find Couple Positions Teaching English Abroad in Asia
How To Get A Job Teaching English In Japan
How to Move to Japan to Get Started Teaching English AND Spend Less Money in the Long Run Than The People Who Went There w/ a Job Lined Up
How to save $1000 a month teaching English in Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan
How to train judo in Japan (3 ways to do it)
Is Japan foreign friendly?
It's Crowded In Asia & Even Crazier On The Weekends
Japan English Teacher Interviews I in Tokyo
Japan English Teacher Interviews Part II in Tokyo & Fukuoka
Japan English Teacher Interviews Part III in Fukuoka
Japan's Ugly Hidden Past
Living In A Sharehouse In Fukuoka, Japan
My 1st 6 Weeks In Japan (Good and Bad)
My cheap apartment in Fukuoka, Japan
My Monthly Food Expenses & Grocery Store Prices In Japan
Need Reasons To Teach English in Japan? Here Are 15 To Make Your Head More Clear & If Not Try 16 For Your Gut
Pollution in Asia - Where's the trash can?
Racism in Korea, China, Japan and Taiwan
Riding A Bike In Asia: Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China
Should you stay or move?
What's It Really Like To Teach English In Japan?
Where should I teach English in Asia? China, Korea, Japan or Taiwan?
Why I left Japan
Why I never taught in Japan's JET program
Why public school teaching in Korea or Japan is NOT for you
Why teaching English in a hagwon or eikaiwa is best
Will you work in a buxiban, hagwon, eikaiwa or training center? Learn more about them here
Your Salary Teaching English In Asia Will Probably Be This